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英靈 幕間物語



★ ★ ★ ★

日文名: エレナ・ブラヴァツキー
別名: Elena Blavatsky
ID: 100 Cost: 12
ATK: 1438/8629 HP: 1901/11882
聖杯 ATK: 10448 聖杯 HP: 14407
聲優: Kanemoto Hisako 繪師: MatsuRyuu
屬性: Man 成長曲線: Linear
星星獲得: 51 星星產生: 10.7%
攻擊寶具充能 : 0.45% 防禦寶具充能: 3%
即死抵抗: 36%
分類: Servant, Humanoid, Weak to Enuma Elish
Quick Hits6  |  Arts Hits3  |  Buster Hits1  |  Extra Hits3

主動技能 被動技能 寶具 靈基再臨 技能強化 友情度 生理資訊

持有技能[ | ]

Magical Tuning


Pursuit of the Unknown

職階技能[ | ]

Territory creation
Territory Creation A
自身Arts指令卡性能提升 10%
Item construction
道具製作 B
Increases own debuff success rate by 8%.

寶具[ | ]

Sanat Kumara
Rank Classification Type
A 對軍 Arts
對敵方全體發動強大的攻擊&防禦力下降(3回合)<over charge效果提昇〉&爆擊率下降(3回合)<over charge效果提昇〉&弱化耐性下降(3回合)<over charge效果提昇〉
Level 1 2 3 4 5
Damage + 450% 600% 675% 712.5% 750%
Charge 100% 200% 300% 400% 500%
Defense - 10% 20% 30% 40% 50%
Critical Chance - 10% 20% 30% 40% 50%
Debuff Resist - 10% 20% 30% 40% 50%

靈基再臨[ | ]

素材 1 素材 2 素材 3 素材 4 QP
第1 術階銀棋 x4 50,000
第2 術階銀棋 x10 虛影之塵 x12 150,000
第3 術階金像 x4 人工生命體幼體 x4 鬼魂提燈 x8 500,000
第4 術階金像 x10 人工生命體幼體 x8 禁斷書頁 x10 1,500,000

技能強化[ | ]

素材 1 素材 2 素材 3 素材 4 QP
第1 術之輝石 x4 100,000
第2 術之輝石 x10 200,000
第3 術之魔石 x4 600,000
第4 術之魔石x10 鬼魂提燈 x4 800,000
第5 術之秘石 x4 鬼魂提燈 x8 2,000,000
第6 術之秘石 x10 虛影之塵 x8 2,500,000
第7 黑獸脂 x3 虛影之塵 x16 5,000,000
第8 黑獸脂 x9 鳳凰羽毛 x16 6,000,000
第9 傳承結晶 x1 10,000,000

數據[ | ]

筋力: E
耐久: E
敏捷: D
魔力: A
幸運: A
寶具: A

生理資訊[ | ]

身體/體重: 145cm · 38kg
典故: 真實歷史
地區: German/Russian
陣營: 混亂善良
The country she likes is India. The organization she hates is the SRP (the English paranormal research society).

A 女 occultist from the 19th Century, a founder of theosophy. Despite having married young to a Russian aristocrat, she soon eloped and then lived gorgeously in the magic world. Popularly known as Madame Blavatsky. She is considered to have immersed herself on mysticism out of belief in the existence of the Lemurian continent, eventually coming in contact with a higher existence 「Mahatma」 and its collective body 「Hierarchy」, acquiring many wisdoms in the process. If that is indeed the case, she might have caught a glimpse of a possibility towards the Root.

A prodigy magus born as a sudden mutation. She designated the predecessors who reached the Root as 「Mahatma」 and 「Hierarchy」, and stipulated (assumed) them to be higher existences. Helena herself said to always have felt their messages, but in order for others to feel the same thing, the same kind of talent (a unique magic circuit) as her would be necessary.

Chances are high that the Lemurian continent and Mahatma do not actually exist, and she is 「merely a prodigy, who performed a peculiar interpretation of the world」.

As a Servant, she manifests as an all-rounder Caster who manipulates the many ancient and modern magics that became a basis for theosophy. She proves to have a handle of the magic of ancient Egypt and even the baptism rites of the Holy Church; but, as expected, it seems that those ancient ones are not really her forte.

Sanat Kumara - Venus God: Lord of the Flames
Rank: A
Type: Anti-Army
Range: 1~50
Maximum Targets: 150
A flying object reveals itself and attack the surroundings. Although she is pleased to say that 「this is a secret art of theosophy, which temporarily “reproduces” the power of Sanat Kumara (Defender Demon King), a divinity assumed to have came flying from Venus to Earth and one of the Earth's creation deities!」, the true identity of that flying object is unknown.

Item Creation: B
Production of devices that carry magical power. Upon manifesting, Blavatsky will always create multiple copies of a small-size automata patterned after the right-hand man who once served her, 「Colonel Olcott」, conveniently using them for this and that in replacement to maids. By the way, they are not very suited for combat.

It seems that she has many wishes to the Holy Grail. She says that she cannot trim them down to one, but it is unknown if that is really the case. ...you are really nothing but unknowns, miss Blavatsky. 「Don't you think that a mysterious woman is fine? That's not it - there is only one truth, which people cannot perceive; everything is known by Mahatma!」

軼事[ | ]

  • She shares the exact HP and ATK values (at both minimum and maximum) with 童謠.
  • She shares the exact HP values (at both minimum and maximum) with 湯瑪斯・愛迪生‎.
  • Helena is not Ukrainian, she was only born there. She was born into an aristocratic Russian-German family in Yekaterinoslav, Ukraine.