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神槍 李書文

★ ★ ★ ★

日文名: 神槍 李書文
別名: Legendary Spearman, God Spear Li
ID: 102 Cost: 12
ATK: 1608/9653 HP: 1817/11360
聖杯 ATK: 11688 聖杯 HP: 13774
聲優: Yasui Kunihiko 繪師: ワダアルコ
屬性: Man 成長曲線: S
星星獲得: 87 星星產生: 12.2%
攻擊寶具充能 : 0.52% 防禦寶具充能: 4%
即死抵抗: 40%
分類: Servant, Humanoid, Weak to Enuma Elish
Quick Hits3  |  Arts Hits3  |  Buster Hits1  |  Extra Hits5

主動技能 被動技能 寶具 靈基再臨 技能強化 友情度 生理資訊


持有技能[ | ]

Chinese Martial Arts

Sphere Boundary


職階技能[ | ]

Anti magic
對魔力 D
自身弱化狀態耐性提升 12.5%.

寶具[ | ]

Shen Qiang Wu Er Da
Rank 分類 類型
- 對人 Arts
等級 1 2 3 4 5
增加傷害 900% 1200% 1350% 1425% 1500%
充能 100% 200% 300% 400% 500%
即死機率 40% 50% 60% 70% 80%

靈基再臨[ | ]

素材 1 素材 2 素材 3 素材 4 QP
第1 槍階銀棋 x4 50,000
第2 槍階銀棋 x10 龍之牙 x15 150,000
第3 槍階金像 x4 混沌之爪 x3 八連雙晶 x8 500,000
第4 槍階金像 x10 混沌之爪 x5 龍之逆鱗 x4 1,500,000

技能強化[ | ]

素材 1 素材 2 素材 3 素材 4 QP
第1 槍之輝石 x4 100,000
第2 槍之輝石 x10 200,000
第3 槍之魔石 x4 600,000
第4 槍之魔石 x10 八連雙晶 x4 800,000
第5 槍之秘石 x4 八連雙晶 x8 2,000,000
第6 槍之秘石 x10 龍之牙 x10 2,500,000
第7 虛影之塵 x10 龍之牙 x20 5,000,000
第8 虛影之塵 x30 戰馬的幼角 x12 6,000,000
第9 傳承結晶 x1 10,000,000

數據[ | ]

筋力: B
耐久: C
敏捷: A
魔力: E
幸運: E
寶具: -

生理資訊[ | ]

身體/體重: 166cm ・ 60kg
典故: 真實歷史
來自國家: China
所屬: Neutral ・ Evil
Even upon being summoned as a Lancer, there is no special changes in his basic performance.

Li Shuwen with his heydays body, summoned as a Lancer. A legendary martial artist from China who, despite born in modern times, carved many legends. He is of course famous as a master of Baji Quan, but the exquisiteness of his spear-wielding is to the point of being extolled as 「God Spear」.

Chinese Martial Arts (Liu He Da Qiang) : A+++
A Chinese rationality. A count of how much one has mastered the martial arts that made becoming one with the universe its objective. The degree of 難度 for learning this is of the highest level and, unlike other Skills, A Rank is finally at a level one can say to have 「learned it」. Upon reaching +++, one is an 上級 among 上級s. While summoned as a Lancer, he has mastered the Baji Quan - including spearmanship.

Having been born in the deathbed of the Qing Dynasty, at Cangzhou, Li Shuwen distinguished himself soon after beginning to take lessons in Baji Quan, ascending to the point of being extolled as the strongest in the history of Chinese martial arts.

Rather than learning 1,000 techniques, he personified a literal one-hit kill by thoroughly polishing up a single technique.

Shen Qiang Wu Er Da - God Spear Needs No Second Strike
Rank: -
Type: Anti-Unit
Range: 2~5
Maximum Targets: 1
Similarly to 「Tsubame Gaeshi」 and 「Wu Er Da」, a technical skill perfected to the point of being sublimated as a Noble Phantasm. Its effects are the same as the 「Wu Er Da」 from when he is an Assassin, but the range was broadened by holding a spear. One can guess that the precision of movements is also no different from when unarmed.

The Classes which Li Shuwen corresponds to are Lancer, Berserker and Assassin. Furthermore, there are also precedents of Li Shuwen being summoned as an 「elder」. The golden age of his body has naturally his younger days as standard, but it is possible to conjecture that his martial arts reached its golden age when he approached old age. Just like a younger Li Shuwen can be summoned as an Assassin, there are also cases of an elder Li Shuwen being summoned as a Lancer.

Fundamentally, he would fight with anybody who is a strong Servant, but the one who he wishes to fight the most-- is the elder Li Shuwen.
