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英靈 幕間物語



★ ★ ★ ★ ★

日文名: エルキドゥ
別名: Chains of Heaven
ID: 143 Cost: 16
ATK: 1,666/10,780 HP: 2,244/15,300
聖杯 ATK: 11,800 聖杯 HP: 16,762
聲優: Kobayashi Yuu 繪師: 森井しづき
屬性: Sky 成長曲線: Reverse S
星星獲得: 90 星星產生: 12%
攻擊寶具充能 : 0.53% 防禦寶具充能: 4%
即死抵抗: 28%
分類: Earth or Sky, Humanoid, Servant, Weak to Enuma Elish
Quick Hits4  |  Arts Hits5  |  Buster Hits1  |  Extra Hits6

主動技能 被動技能 寶具 靈基再臨 技能強化 友情度 生理資訊

主動技能[ | ]


Presence Detection

Upgrade by clearing Strengthen Quest
Presence Detection

Consummated Shape

被動技能[ | ]

Anti magic
對魔力 A
Increases own debuff resistance by 20%.

寶具[ | ]

Enuma Elish
Rank 分類 類型
A++ Anti-Purge Buster
Deals damage to one enemy.
Stunstatus 500% Chance to Stun Divine enemies for 1 turn.
等級 1 2 3 4 5
Transparent Damage + 600% 800% 900% 950% 1000%
充能 100% 200% 300% 400% 500%
Defensedown Defense - 20% 25% 30% 35% 40%

靈基再臨[ | ]

素材 1 素材 2 素材 3 素材 4 QP
第1 Lancer piece5 Qp100,000
第2 Lancer piece12 Chains of The Fool22 Qp300,000
第3 Lancer monument5 八連雙晶10 Spiritroot2 Qp1,000,000
第4 Lancer monument12 Spiritroot4 Heart of a foreign god5 Qp3,000,000

技能強化[ | ]

素材 1 素材 2 素材 3 素材 4 QP
第1 Shininglancer5 Qp200,000
第2 Shininglancer12 Qp400,000
第3 Magiclancer5 Qp1,200,000
第4 Magiclancer12 八連雙晶5 Qp1,600,000
第5 Secretlancer5 八連雙晶10 Qp4,000,000
第6 Secretlancer12 Chains of The Fool15 Qp5,000,000
第7 Chains of The Fool29 人工生命體幼體6 Qp10,000,000
第8 人工生命體幼體18 Primordial Lanugo15 Qp12,000,000
第9 Crystallized lore Qp20,000,000

數據[ | ]

筋力: ?
耐久: ?
敏捷: ?
魔力: ?
幸運: ?
寶具: A++

羈絆等級[ | ]

羈絆等級 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
需要Exp 3,500 8,500 7,000 6,000 2,500 292,500 360,000 340,000 320,000 315,000
總共Exp 3,500 12,000 19,000 25,000 27,500 320,000 680,000 1,020,000 1,340,000 1,655,000
10級獎勵 404icon Flower of Humbaba
When equipped on 恩奇都,
Recovers party's HP by 500 every turn while they are on the field.

生理資訊[ | ]

解鎖 描述 翻譯
預設 穏やかな口調、たおやかな仕草からは想像できないほど苛烈な戦闘能力を持った"意志持つ宝具"。



From their gentle tone and graceful bearings, one would never guess that this is a “Noble Phantasm with a will” that possesses a fierce combat power.

The chains that fasten heavens and earth, regarded by the King of Heroes 吉爾伽美什 as one of the strongests.
A doll created by the hands of the gods, and also an offshoot of the earth that harmonizes・becomes one with nature.

A tragic weapon that underwent many adventures as the sole friend of the King of Heroes and, after acquiring a human heart, returned to dirt as a doll.

Bond 1 身長/体重:可変

属性:中立・中庸  性別:-

身體/體重: Variable

典故: Epic of Gilgamesh
地點: Mesopotamia
所屬: True Neutral
性別: -
If you tell me to fight, I’ll fight.
After all, it is not like I hate fighting

Bond 2 ギルガメッシュ叙事詩に語られる最古の英雄のひとり。神々によって作り出された兵器。



One of the oldest heroes described in the Epic of Gilgamesh. A weapon manufactured by the gods.

Originally, they were “a clay work that could transform into anything” produced by the gods.
They phantasmagorically change their shape in accordance with circumstances.
Their whole body is equivalent to a weapon of gods.
However, they do not have the same mentality or emotions as people, and at first they were not all that different from a wild beast.
It has been said that, after appearing on this world, they became aware of much by meeting with a single sacred prostitute and eventually choose to take the shape of a person (as their basic form).
This appearance is something modeled after said sacred prostitute out of respect.

Bond 3 戦闘力は、英雄王ギルガメッシュの最盛期のそれにほぼ等しい。



Their combat strength is roughly the same as that of the King of Heroes Gilgamesh during his golden age.

In the battle against Gilgamesh described on the Epic, they displayed a performance on par to him, who is recognized as one of the strongest heroes in human history.

The first friend ever discovered by Gilgamesh, who was an aloof existence, and they too perceive Gilgamesh as their peerless friend.
After the fight on the city of Uruk, the friends Gilgamesh and Enkidu underwent many adventures, but they ultimately lost their life after the battle with the divine beast Gugalanna.

Bond 4 内向的・能動的・強気。




Introverted, active and self-assured.

Usually they just loiter like a beautiful flower but, once they get on the move, they become a frightening active monster that doesn’t wait, has no mercy and shows no self-restraint.

Since they are life forms born from the Earth, they also finds humans “appealing”. But, because humans think of themselves as beings apart from nature due to their intelligence, they rank low as protection targets.
They feel that animals and plants are existences closer to itself and they mostly takes action in order to protect them.

That being said, since they had great curiosity (intellectual craving) to begin with, Enkidu regards conversations with humans as an enjoyment.
If said character has an appealing personality (a totalitarian brimming with philantropous mentality, and yet who thinks of himself as foremost), they will demonstrate respect and admiration from the bottom of their heart, feeling joy in supporting him as a friend.

Bond 5 変容:A

エルキドゥは30の数値を持ち、パラメーターはそれぞれA7 B6 C5 D4 E3 の数値を消費する。



Transfiguration: A

A unique skill in which parameter values are allotted in accordance to the situation from a prescribed comprehensive value. Enkidu’s greatest feature.
The higher the rank, higher the comprehensive value becomes.
At times it makes Strength into A Rank, at times it makes Endurance into A Rank.
However, because the conversion limits of parameters is set in stone, it cannot make all parameters into A Rank.
Enkidu possesses a comprehensive value of 30, and each parameter consume the respectively values: A-7 B-6 C-5 D-4 E-3.

Presence Detection: A+
The highest rank of presence detection.
It is possible to sense presences from long distances by using the land as a medium.

Consummated Shape: A
By making use of the magic energy of the land, they restore themself to their former shape.
So long as there is a supply of magic energy from the land, Enkidu’s body (which was produced from the clay of the Age of Gods) will never collapse.
A powerful regeneration・restoration ability that is completely unprecedented.
However, the soul is a different matter.

Extra 『人よ、神を繋ぎ止めよう』

ランク:A++ 種別:対粛正宝具



O Humans, Let Us Restrain The Gods

Rank: A++
Type: Anti-Purge
Enuma Elish.
Enkidu transforms their own body into a Divine Construct.
Becoming a linchpin that converted vast amounts of energy to pierce and tie the target.

Originally, Enkidu was a weapon dispatched by the gods in order to “restore Gilgamesh to god”.
The “Linchpin of Heavens” created so that gods and people would not separate, Gilgamesh.
Because such Gilgamesh revolted against the gods, they were charged with the role of binding and bringing him back to heavens.

However, Enkidu became Gilgamesh’s friend and, just like their friend wished, chose the path of using this “chain that restrains even heavens” for the sake of people.

軼事[ | ]

  • They share the exact ATK values at minimum with Yagyuu Munenori, Mecha Eli-chan and Mecha Eli-chan Mk.II.
  • They share the exact HP values at minimum with Valkyrie.

圖片[ | ]
